Lindenwood Early Close Today (2/16) – Classes After 3 p.m. Held Virtually

Lindenwood Early Close Today (2/16) – Classes After 3 p.m. Held Virtually

Due to inclement weather and potentially hazardous road conditions, the Lindenwood University campus is closing at 3 p.m. today, February 16. Employees and students are encouraged to use extreme caution when traveling. Essential Employees should contact their supervisor for their on-campus schedule. We thank you in advance for your service. 

In-person classes starting at 3 p.m. or later today will be held virtually or will have learning activities that can be completed remotely. Students that are enrolled in classes that are online, hyflex, or hybrid should check Canvas and email for information from their professor, since many of these learning activities will continue virtually. Faculty should provide information regarding changes to class assignments and deadlines. Students should check Canvas and email for communication from their instructors. 

Faculty and staff are advised to take their laptops and work materials home with them in case of continuing bad weather.

All in-person campus activities starting at 3 p.m. or later are canceled. Virtual events may continue as planned. Any change in dining service hours will be communicated and/or updated in GrubHub.

College of Arts and Humanities



College of Arts and Humanities NAVIGATION

Jorge at the Ulysses S. Grant National Historical Memorial

"Never in my lifetime, would I have thought to have had the opportunity to intern at a National Historic Site across the nation from my home. The interactions with both visitors and Park employees alike made it easy to lose track of time."

Kristin at the St. Charles County Historical Society

"Before this internship I was unsure of what I wanted to do with my life. There are many occupations for history majors that interest me, but now that I have worked in the archives, I know I can see myself working in that kind of atmosphere."

Brayden at the Missouri History Museum

"Ultimately, this was an incredible experience and I have remorse that I was only able to be of assistance for a summer. I have developed incredible skills that will be useful going forward and make my life as a historian more fruitful."

Keegan at the St. Louis County Parks

"My research skills have been improved astronomically. Large projects will no longer be intimidating, as I am confident that I have the capabilities of a true historian after my summer’s experience."

Jacob at the National Archives

"It was an experience that has opened up possibilities career-wise for my future that I hadn’t considered before. I was able to work with some incredible people who I now consider friends."